4 Unique Youtubers

We all love Youtube.

Whether you watch cat videos, famous youtubers like Rhett and Link (above), or something else, we can all probably agree there is a lot of great content on youtube.

When compiling a list of my favorite youtubers, I realized they all have one thing in common besides all being funny christian homeschoolers: they’re not your typical youtubers.

So here are 4 unique youtubers I follow:

Blimey Cow

Blimey Cow is always smart, funny, and super real. Created by the Josh, Jordan, and Kelli Taylor, Blimey Cow is the buzzed video for Christian homeschoolers. Their videos always make you think. I started watching Blimey Cow in 2014, and I’ve been a “day-oner” ever since then.

Adler Davidson

This man is the funniest person on the internet. I love how he can be absolutely stupid sometimes or blatantly mock social media. If you enjoy sarcasm then you will love him. I have a strong feeling this dude is going to be famous one day.

Isaac Carlton

Also incredibly sarcastic, Isaac Carlton is an independent filmmaker who makes sketches. While he does not post regularly, his “honest” videos make me cry laughing.

Jordan Taylor

Jordan Taylor is the youngest sibling of the Blimey Cow family. The content varies but is always entertaining or interesting. His take on life and social media is always refreshingly honest.

I also recommend: Katie Gregoire and Say Goodnight Kevin.

Yay for youtube!

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